After Hours Athletics is rooted in the celebration of the individual running pursuit. Owen is passionate about coaching novices to pros—acknowledging the shared grit that there is to pursuing running in the days of being busy busy busy, no matter how fast you are.
The name is simple, Owen coaches runners who pursue running after hours. It's an investment in themselves outside of their careers, and Owen wants to support those runners in their efforts.
To answer the question of, "how can we support semi-professional athletes authentically and comprehensively?" Owen drew on his own experience of post-collegiate running. Semi-pro athletes often have the potential to make championships and Olympic trials, but lack the support of full time pros. Gear and apparel brands have answered this call, but what about coaching? A coach has imperative to an athlete's success, and Owen now offers his services complimentary to a select number of high-performance athletes per year; investing fully in their success and individuals and runners.
To create space for Owen's academic background, we created a space for him to write about new research findings and coaching philosophies he comes by via a members-only newsletter and public blog.
The brand visually plays in the intersection of the technical and the experiential—rooted in a simple typography and grid system, while leaning on the true-to-life quality of 120mm and 35mm film photography. Visually, this exactly portrays Owen's coaching philosophy: "Grounded in research and experience. Delivered with passion and empathy."